AI Research Scientist - Machine Learning, Biology and Physics
Yale School of Medicine
Hi there ! I am a passionate researcher with experience in various fields, ranging from experimental physics, computational biology, data analysis to modeling and algorithm development. I received my master degree from theÉcole Normale Supérieure (ENS) Paris-Saclayin fundamental physics, and I acquired through my research experiences an interdisciplinary and international academic background. I recently obtained my PhD from IBM Research Zurich in theAI for Scientific Discovery department, in a joint program with ETH Zurich. I am now working as a postdoc at Yale School of Medicine.
My research applies statistical mathematics and machine learning to computational biology, bioinformatics, and quantum machine learning. I focus on B cell function in diseases like cancer and autoimmunity, combining mechanistic models with interpretable deep learning and generative AI to uncover predictive rules. In my spare time, I am a writer on Medium, and a Blockchain/Web3 developer. I am also the co-founder of Peer2Panel, a blockchain startup with focus on solar energy.